
At Pāpāmoa Post we are all about celebrating our local community.

We’re also a great new vehicle for your business to reach this rapidly growing area.

Print media is having a renaissance. Digitally-drowning customers love the experience and engagement of holding a physical product that they connect with. It’s about their own local community that they care about.

Build trust and brand loyalty, target the geographic area you want to reach, and benefit from the longevity of trusted print media by advertising with us.

We offer ad sizes, prices and packages to suit every business and every budget. Please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] to discuss your options.

With a population of 33,000+, Pāpāmoa is a powerful growing demographic. Pāpāmoa Post is distributed in the local community via letterboxes and key pick-up points.

Our publication strives to be relevant and useful to all ages and stages, making it a must-read that sticks around on coffee tables for a full month.

Take advantage of our free ad design service, or submit your ready-made ad.

Pāpāmoa Post supports local businesses with fair ad prices and the target readership you want to reach. With the support of advertisers, we can grow the profile of local businesses and produce a quality community newspaper which is enjoyed by the whole community. It’s a win win.

Support local: advertise with us

Are locals your target market? Your ad will be seen by locals – and it’s a fact that people prefer to buy locally if they can, as it saves them time and money. Pāpāmoa proud. Staying visible and consistent is the key to successful marketing. Remind people you are there, and build trust in your brand over time by consistently advertising with us.

Other options

We want to see new enterprises succeed, and we offer advertising packages tailored for new businesses.

Likewise, if you’ve got an idea for a regular column as an expert in your field, or are keen for an advertorial, give us a bell! We’re here to help.

Important Information

Minimum resolution of the images at the printed size should be 300dpi. Any ads that are to bleed must have 5mm bleeds and all other content should be kept at least 5mm away from the trimmed edge.

All colours are to be CMYK process. Every effort is made to ensure print accuracy. Slight colour variations may occur.

Prices exclude GST. ‘Regular’ rate is for a three-month commitment.

Mailbox deliveries are anticipated in the first week of every month. Payments should be made by bank transfer, by the 20th of the month of publication.