About us
Pāpāmoa Post is your homegrown, independent newspaper. We focus only on local content, covering the stories of Pāpāmoa with a passion, and bringing our readers hyper-local news from within our growing community.
We’ll keep you informed about everything from your roads and beaches to grandma’s 100th birthday and local success stories. Our community wants to know what’s happening in our schools, clubs, businesses and environment, and we’re here to answer that need.

Credible News Source
Pāpāmoa Post is locally owned and operated by founder Ellen Irvine.
Ellen has spent 20+ years as a storyteller, first as a journalist for more than 15 years on daily and Sunday newspapers around New Zealand, including the Bay of Plenty Times and Dominion Post. She’s also helped local and national businesses tell their stories during five years at one of Tauranga’s top public relations and marketing agencies.
As a small business owner herself, Ellen loves that Papamoa Post is a vehicle to help her advertising clients grow and connect with the community.
Together with providing news and supporting community by sharing our stories, it’s a win-win!
A proud Pāpāmoa resident since 2007, Ellen is passionate about this community – the best place in New Zealand to raise a family.
Got a story to share? Ellen would love to hear from you – email her on [email protected]
Are you a business owner who wants to advertise to this thriving community? Email [email protected]. Find out more about advertising here.